A bearded man wearing a blue and red jacket stands outdoors, looking to his right while pulling up the zipper on the jacket's chest pocket.

Experience pressure-free productivity

To take your business to the next level

You do good work. You know that. On your more challenging days there may be a small voice that questions this. But on your good days you know you have a unique gift that you imbue your work with. And you dream of work that pushes the boundaries of possibility. Not just good work, but exceptional, inspiring, uplifting work.

The world doesn't need more people who are just "doing a good business"

The world needs more people who are so inspired by their lives
that they breathe magic into everything they touch.

The business is functioning well enough, mostly because...

You’re putting in long hours to make sure things are getting done

You ask yourself “what am I missing?”

You’re struggling to find employees that can meet your standards of excellence, and you’re frustrated that you seem to be the only one capable of doing things just the way you want them. Disconnecting from work and being fully present with your family on evenings and weekends is a challenge too. You’d like to be able to take a vacation where you’re not stressed or on your laptop the whole time.

In a word, you've plateaued.

It’s not a bad place to plateau, but it never feels good to stall out. You went into business because you dream of a big impact on the world. You want to do creative work. Game changing work. And you want to keep expanding your personal capacity for fulfillment, happiness and success along the way.
Illustration of an hourglass, with sand flowing from the top chamber to the bottom, framed by vertical wooden supports.

You're grateful not to be struggling for success, but there's still a spark in you that asks "what else is possible?”

A person in a blue and gray jacket stands in a grassy field with mountains and a cloudy sky in the background.

Your plateau has great lessons to teach you

It’s a training ground. Preparing you for the next chapter in your life, and new levels of success. In this training ground you have the opportunity to shed old armor and make room for new things to take root and blossom.

I can be your guide in this training ground. I can support you in the process of shedding, of lightening.

In our strategy session, You will...

Your strategy session will shed light on what hasn’t been working and why and reconnect to the reason you do what you do.

In the session, you’ll gain an understanding of the subconscious drivers that are keeping you stuck and how working with me can help you to permanently rewire and neutralize them.

If you’re ready to experience pressure-free productivity, click the button below, fill out the questions, and schedule a time for us to talk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most approaches don’t address root causes, they address symptoms. So they yield slow, inconsistent, or unreliable results. I dive deep, straight away, to address the true root causes of your plateau. These are your hidden subconscious beliefs and conditioning. When you eliminate and integrate these subconscious drivers, you’ll experience permanent and effortless change. I can help you do that.

So if you’ve tried accountability coaching, talk therapy, Pomodoro timers, plant medicine, time blocking, The Sedona Method, and Eisenhower matrices, but you want something more potent, you’re ready to work with me.

My work is an expression of the things I wish my parents had access to when I was a kid. I’m fortunate to have loving relationships with both of my parents today, but as a sensitive young kid it was pretty brutal. I learned and developed the tools that I share with my clients because I needed them badly myself, to unwind the struggles of a childhood growing up in intense stress. I focus on coaching parent entrepreneurs because together we can create a new cycle.

I take on executive clients on a case by case basis. If you have a strong desire for growth and awakening but haven’t struck out on your own yet, please fill out the application to determine if you’re a fit for a consultation.

Being super busy is a symptom of two things: 1) having created success, and 2) not yet understanding how to delegate work and manage your energy. So long as item 2 goes unaddressed, you’ll be stuck in a plateau with no free time or energy to take things to the next level. In our work together, I can help you quickly and precisely identify what’s keeping you stuck, and then eliminate it for good. When you do this you’ll have much more time, energy, and focus than you do now for the things you care about.

Yes. My parents got the name Max from the title character of the 80s TV show Max Headroom. They thought “Max” needed a bit of extra pizzazz so they extended it to Maximum. All that said, most people just call me Max! But when your legal name is Maximum, you take full advantage of that on the internet 🙂

Experience pressure-free productivity and break through your plateau

click the button below, fill out the questions, and schedule a time for us to talk.