Hi I’m Max Rosencrantz

I help dads create success in their businesses without sacrificing connection with their kids

I grew up in a household with two real estate entrepreneurs for parents

My childhood was stressful, my dad worked incredibly long hours and traveled often. My mom was overwhelmed trying to take care of four very different and rambunctious kids while managing rental properties.

All that stress took a heavy toll on me, on my development, and on the relationships I had with my parents.

A man with a beard, wearing a dark jacket and shirt, stands outdoors in front of greenery and a body of water, leaning on a wooden railing.

When I started on my own entrepreneurial journey in 2012,
I unwittingly recreated a lot of that stress. I could push myself
to work extremely hard and create results in my business,
but eventually I’d burnout, lose interest, or just feel lost.

When I started my coaching business in 2020, I knew there must be a better way to walk the entrepreneurial journey, so I searched relentlessly until I developed a system that enabled me to do just that. It’s not about watching motivational videos
in the morning, eating the frog, time blocking, or affirmations.

When I started on my own entrepreneurial journey in 2012, I unwittingly recreated a lot of that stress. I could push myself to work extremely hard and create results in my business, but eventually I’d burnout, lose interest, or just feel lost.

When I started my coaching business in 2020, I knew there must be a better way to walk the entrepreneurial journey, so I searched relentlessly until I developed a system that enabled me to do just that. It’s not about watching motivational videos in the morning, eating the frog, time blocking, or affirmations.

A man with a beard, wearing a plaid shirt, stands outdoors with one hand on his chest, looking to the side. Greenery and blurred natural background are visible.

It’s about doing deep, effective healing and personal integration work

While maintaining a connection to the inspiration of your most ambitious and meaningful goals.

It’s not magic, but it’s changed my life and the lives of my clients in profound and seemingly magical ways. It’s allowed clients to shed layers of anxiety, sleep better, be more focused and productive, and improve relationships with family and friends. Which has created rapid business growth for them too.

I can help you build a lasting new way of operating in your business, from the inside out

Because no amount of business strategy, clever marketing plans, or productivity hacks is going to help if you don’t change the person implementing them – you.

Put an end to the constant struggle and self criticism

finally get relief from the relentless pushing

Helping dads experience a different way to be entrepreneurs would be fulfilling enough on its own.

It’s a beautiful thing to witness the relief that comes from letting go of incessant perfectionism and beating up on yourself. And of course the ease that’s created by more financial wins is nice too.

But the real joy for me is seeing the impact on the way you show up with your kids. I know your kids will grow up to be stronger and more confident in the world because you did this work.

And that’s why I do what I do.

A hand-drawn illustration depicts a bird flying out of an open cage with a circular yellow background element.

Your kids want to see you win in business, but only if you have time to share the win with them

I can help you see what you’re missing, so you can make rapid changes to the way you show up.

A man with a beard kneels on one knee on a wooden pathway in an outdoor setting with greenery in the background. He is wearing a dark jacket, jeans, and brown boots, looking slightly to his right.

We start with a deep dive into cleaning up your inner realms

and then we move into growth mode

The cleanup work is deeply grounded, no-nonsense, and results-oriented. You want rapid change, so that’s what we do. And nature abhors a vacuum, so we intentionally fill the space that was created by the cleanup work with your inspiring vision, and the strategic goals and an action plan to make it real. Through the inevitable ups, downs, wins, and challenges of growing your business, I’m by your side, offering guidance and perspective to help you make the leap to the next level.

When you do this work...

You can expect to feel a deep rooted confidence that will anchor you through your kids’ gnarliest meltdowns
and the highest stakes business decisions you’ll face.

You can expect to take significant action with more ease, all while experiencing less anxiety, indecisiveness, and mental chatter.

You can expect to make drastically more progress on your highest leverage business opportunities because you won’t be bogged down by procrastination or distraction.

And you can expect to laugh out loud when your kid spills juice, instead of getting frustrated and reacting negatively. Because hey, it’s just juice.

If you’re ready to get started, click the button below

Fill out the questions, and schedule a time for us to talk.